Vision & Mission
To become the world's leading IT solution providers across all domains and makes the human lives easier by feeling & dealing information technology.we want to unlock the technology to improve the living standards.Our goal is to make is easy to use Information Technology everywhere to make ideas into reality.
Our History
2013 was the year when we started the company without even knowing either how many year's we would take to get a place in market , when we inspired by IT revolution and changing world , so we build a proper workplace and start getting recognition as a full time IT consultancy services
providers, that all make us to start a journey to success.
Core Values
Technology Diagnostic always committed to some of its core values like providing our clients with the productive and innovative IT solutions, establishing
long term business relationship , highly qualified professionals,we trust ourselves and we know a satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.


we listen, discuss as well as we advise.Technology Diagnostic always listen your ideas, Plans and Objectives for your business and then select the best option for your business.
We are Experienced
We have been designing and developing information systems by using latest technology trends , our highly professional team is equipped with top notch technical skills to bring the right product to the client's table.
We are Creative
we are creative in our approach no matter whatever the nature of the work or problem statement is, we always love to create new things and we believe in creativity as Capital is n't so important in business,Experience is n't so important the thing which is very important to us is 'IDEAS'.
We are Responsive
We may be the experts in IT system but not the experts of your workplace, so the significant portion of our development methodology is to learn from you that how can we apply our expertise to meet all of your IT needs, we respect the clients feedback at the maximum extent.
Our People
we have experienced , committed teams ,we use top-grading methodology, we choose employee from huge talent pool of developers and designers , these developers are well known for quality, having great work ethic , and adaptive to work in multi culture environment.
Focused,Passionate and Visible
We don't do everything, we prefer to do few things and do them well,we are passionate about our work , we bring only those technical geeks on board that have a genuine passion for technology,We deliver ‘slices of the cake’– mean we deliver your product in incremental releases at regular intervals for your review.


Technology Diagnostic provides deliberate and dynamic technology solutions in diverse industries including government ,non-profit organization,small businesses, enterprises , Oil and Gas ,National Security , Telecommunication, health and education etc. Other that that our team of experts also been working on different ideas which will facilitate different business needs.  Our top notch services including Application integration , Education solutions, E Learning , Business process Management, Application services and E-commerce. we are focused organization and we provide focused and quality solutions. For further review check our portfolio section.


Technology Solution providers custom development, web design and development, graphic designing , Document Management solutions,
Business Processes Management, ERP , CRM , Mobile App Development , SEO , Marketing and Consultancy Services. we Create systems that
connect with your clients and convey deals and drive your business. we are also expert with Mainframe Programming , Database Design, Development, and Administration , Help Desk and Technical support and very expert in Technical Writing.

IT Consultancy
We have a great team of world-class technology consultants some from Pakistan and other's from Europe. we are also providing on-call consulting staff whose services can be required as and when their particular skills are needed. we are proud of our technical teams who are willing to guide your organization thoroughly to achieve its goals and leas its strategic direction.we are providing consultancy services for business automation systems, ERP solutions, Technical optimization , Final year projects , Network infrastructure , Project Quality Analysis , Project feasibility study and reporting and more than that.
Mobile App Development
We are developing native & cross-platform mobile apps for multiple mobile operating systems.we are specilized in design, stretegy, implementation,
development and deployment of mobile apps.

1-Business Software and Solutions for iPhone
2-Android, Windows, BlackBerry, Symbian
3-Productivity Apps and Utilities
4-Internet Applications
5-Mobile App Monetization
Web Designing & Development
Web designing and development is our core solution in which we are in from past six years, we have design and developed hundreds of websites for small business to larger enterprise level application
containing business process flows , ERP , CRM , Business inteleligence solutions and many more . Our Designer are very creative and their design services is appreciated across the globe because they are equipped with latest technologies . our Customer retention rate is above 80% which shows our quality and long terms relationship . Our design recipe cover design for Corporate , Business, Personal , Flash,Blogs,EStores,Agriculture, Industrial,Merchandise, Hotel ,Services, Restaurants , Non Governmental Organization, Trust, Societies, Real Estate,Newspaper, Television, Radio, Religious, Magazine, Marketing etc.
Everyone who wants to do business now a days he must think E-Commerce at once to be successful in today's Economy , a business must have Web presence with E-Commerce for quick and rapid application growth. Our professional team of eCommerce designers & Developers deliver robust online business sites with unique features and wide range of platforms including Magento, OsCommerce, X-cart,Cs-Cart,Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce
Business to Business Applications,Product catalogues and many more.Our eCommerce consultants understand client's business process and provide an eCommerce solution that leverages technologies and profit at your business door-steps.

Marketing Manager

Fantastic to work with Technology Diagnostic , we analyse that they are very professional and provide quality of work , infect they are detailed and careful listener to requirements and delivered the quality work on time.

Marketing Manager

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TD’S momentum, an integration of information, design and technology. We believe in quality. 
our teams
kamran khan
Kashif Sardar
Product Owner
Sohaib Danish
Project Manager

More Team mates


I am a professional Graphic Designer having more than five years of experience in Graphic designing & front end development.

  • Experienced web page designer with extensive programming and graphic skills.
  • Proficient in Adobe PhotoShop and Illustrator, HTML, CSS, Flash, Dreamweaver, FrontPage, Shockwave, JavaScript, Perl, Java and various end user software and Internet access programs.
  • Can function independently on multiple projects.
  • Have excellent management and communication skills.
  1. Web Application UI Designing
  2. Desktop Application UI Designing
  3. Mobile Application UI Designing
  4. Smart TV App UI Designing
  5. Website Designing
  6. Brochure Designing
  7. Flyer Designing
  8. Newsletter Designing
  9. Profile Book Designing
  10. File Folder Designing
  • Back Drop
  • Standees
  • Video Editing
  • W3c Validated Website Designing
  • SEO Friendly websites
  • Computer Hardware & Installation
  • Peer To Peer / Server To Client Networking

Saad Mujahid

  •  Senior Solution Architect from past three years , Data scientist, Cyber Security consultant , SharePoint Consultant .
  • Expert strategist who uses research of competitors, market conditions, customer needs, and organizational core competencies to claim company success.
  • Skilled communicator and negotiator who understands persuasive delivery and can confidently present sales pitches to potential partners and reports to board members.
  • Confident salesman who combines enthusiasm, product knowledge, and customer assessment to pitch products in a way that increases brand awareness and encourages product loyalty.
  • Accomplished understanding of financing activities, including budgeting, investing, and cost-cutting through careful analysis.
  • Strong organization and time management skills and careful attention to detail to guarantee that business ventures are successful and development is absolute.




Professional Attributes

Accurate and Analytical while writing code.
Calm and Cooperative when involve with team members.
Dedicated and Determined about career.
Capable and Confident when dealing clients.
Flexible and People-oriented at work place.
Energetic and Motivated about work.
Productive and Resourceful for company.

Expertize in the following areas of Android Application Development

1. SOAP/Restful webservices.
2. SQLite
3. working with API’s.
4. Firebase Cloud Messaging

Khurrum Shehzad

I’m a full stack MEAN Stack web/mobile app developer with 2+ years of developing experience. I am able to work highly effectively in an Agile environment with excellent interpersonal and communication skills. I am familiar with all phases of the software development lifecycle.

I possess the ability to learn new languages and technologies quickly and rapidly I can come to speed and develop powerful application.

. Angularjs
. Reactjs
. MEAN Stack
. React-Native
. Ionic
. Firebase
. MongoDB
. Rest
. git
. webpack